9:15 am – 10:15 am, Bobcat Room | Brian Robeson, Trihydro/Nick Graf, WYDOT
Setting up a successful ArcGIS Enterprise distributed collaboration depends on several factors, including geodatabase configuration, feature service settings, and the IT environment of both organizations. Please join Trihydro Corporation and the Wyoming Department of Transportation as we detail how we established a collaboration to manage Wyoming’s snow fence assets. We will explore the decision-making matrix behind implementing key Enterprise components, provide background on snow fence management, and discuss how this collaboration improves asset management and public safety. The goal of this presentation is to highlight collaboration benefits and reduce technical hurdles to ensure success.
Brian Robeson: Brian is the Trihydro GIS group manager and the snow fence inventory project manager. He has 20 years of experience working in GIS in Wyoming and 16 years working with the snow fence inventory. He enjoys learning new things and helping others with his expertise.
Nick Graf: Nick is a Geospatial Project Manager and Developer at the Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT) in the Geographic Information Systems and Intelligent Transportation Systems Group (GIS\ITS). Nick holds a Bachelor’s degree in Geography from University of Wyoming and a Master’s degree in Geography from Kansas State University. Nick is also a registered GISP from the GIS Certification Institute.